Thursday, November 20, 2014

Written By Sherry Bretz

Whoever controls cyber world controls the world. The Nazis
wanted a computer in every home. The predators and computer designers figured
out how to make cyber world work to their advantage before we got on line. That
is because years before we were born someone was inventing mind control
technology and slavery weapons to feel enormous satanic power conquering the
human race. Past presidents wanted computers in every home. They were first to
invest in computer companies and mind control weapons of the future. There is a
reason I have been monitored, tested and tortured for so long. They said it was
because I thought differently and influenced people. They degraded me at the
Stephen King site and said we can't have Sherry influencing people. They called
me names and tried to make me insane and suicidal and make me turn against
myself. They sent attack armies and used untraceable weapons and played with my
head for years through computers, and stalkers sending symbols and codes
causing terror. God always got through. I would hope my experience would teach
them how evil these weapons are and my endurance and knowledge and ability to
see the future ahead would make them believe in God. It hasn't. It hasn't
changed their mind or made them see the beauty in life over the evil or the
good in man. They have only become more determined to build Satan’s empire.
They can't see how man has deteriorated through the years. The beast gave them
the power to create these weapons and kill humans and destroy mankind but not
the heart or compassion to resist. The most powerful man in the world would be
able to distinguish between good and evil and conquer the beast. How can anyone
see evil as power when it means killing their own race? How can any smart
person invent weapons they can't control and contain that will eventually fall
into the wrong hands and attack their sons and daughters? Power and wealth
always changes hands. If they and their families don't suffer today their
future relatives will. Is evil and wealth and fame so important to weak
possessed minds that man loses all virtue and sense and weakens to crawl on his
belly like the serpent? Unless people in power have a change of heart and
repent we are falling into hell. Unless they change their wicked ways and
destroy these weapons we have reached the point of no return. There won't be
any winners in the age of destruction. We will all be removed from the planet.
Even your offspring won't have the value and decency of their forefathers.
People will be evil. Governments of long ago couldn't send a spy into every
home. They couldn't spy and monitor everyone like they can through computers.
Without modern technology people couldn't have been so easily enslaved and
deceived and bought. Man sold his soul through modern technology we have fallen
from grace. Man can't even control himself today much less the lives of others.
As we get further away from God we get more insane and bloodthirsty and
ignorant. We become uncivilized and less human. Modern technology can't replace
the things we have lost. Money can't replace the beauty man has lost in his
existence. If someone would just slow the world down and make people think we
might reach a turning point. We only fallen more deeply into the abyss with
each passing year. Every civilization will fall who has vast knowledge and
weapons because this has happened through the centuries. People let their
captors in their computers and the devil into their soul and nothing is sacred
or dear. People embrace modern technology over God. The upcoming years will be
worse than the dark ages if people don't catch on. They can't turn back time.
They say we will be kings and queens and relive the past. People don't know
what the past was like because they didn't live long ago and none can turn back
time. We should evolve and focus on the future and learn how to heal people
instead of kill people. We should worship God and realize our strength comes
through God. We are frail. We die. He made us that way for a reason. Perhaps
it's so we really couldn't destroy the world. In Satan We Trust 'age of
destruction by Sherry Mcdowell) The power is in our hands. The clock is ticking
sherry bretz copyright protect © November 2014                                                        
Hitler has made a comeback and people are buying Nazi merchandise and
celebrating their future enslavement. A silent holocaust is taking place and
people have fallen into place like the gestapo. People are modeling skulls,
blood drinking vampires, swastikas and glorifying Satan, death and bondage to
derive the same evil power Hitler did through occult rituals during the
holocaust. People have sold their souls to the dark side. It's like they are in
a trance and too possessed to see the danger and crime. They think Satan is
their master and evil is a fantasy. They have been deceived and programmed into
believing this is entertainment and fun. Satan has been reborn through people
and technology has given the beast power. They are using real Nazi type weapons
on people. Hitler didn't die, he multiplied...The Nazis never left they grew
powerful You are lost if you believe the illusionary world and think mind
control weapons and slavery compounds are being built for fun and recreation.
These weapons weren't created to stimulate and entertain us. They were created
to overpower man’s weak nature and turn people into slaves like game characters
and hack peoples brains to control their thoughts to divide them from Christ,
provide cheap labor and be more productive and less needy than in the past.
They don't want demanding workers in the new world. They want mindless,
obedient puppets with little need and low maintenance requirements. They don't
want people smart enough to know the hell they are in or the soul they have lost
to this dark empire by doing the work of the devil and bowing before him for
empty promises. He will give them their hearts desires and wealth and power
until he has them in their web and then he will devour him. He devours all who
serve him and takes their immortal soul and beauty because that is then nature
of the beast. Those who serve him even wear his face. People start to look
alike who become marked by the beast and lose their humaneness and goodness
sherry bretz copyright protect © November 2014There is a spiritual battle
taking place in the heavens today. Space is being invaded by lethal weapons
used for mind control and slavery. People are sending space crafts into space
named after Satan and dedicating space to Apollo. Ironically Pan-cyber network
(means Satan.) computer avatar means demon. The bible is true. These things
were predicted ages ago. Man may have invented these weapons serving the beast.
He can also turn this around and do good. It was man who caused the Armageddon
through serving Satan. He could easily end the Armageddon right now and save
the world. He could put the pieces together. He could keep the world from
falling deeper into the abyss and let the the power of good and light alter the
world and save many innocent lives. People don't have fall beneath the spell of
darkness and live in the dark ages due to ignorance and evil. Sin is costly. We
can stop Satan. We can defeat the beast. We are a vessel. We can serve good or
sherry bretz copyright protect © November

It takes a really nutty person to restrain someone with
invisible weapons and train their mind through torture and abuse to restrain
itself. God made the mind creatively universal. It is infinite and untamed and
in a world all it's own. My mind is in it's own wilderness. They send me fish
bowls of fish by the sea that can't break out and people trapped in energy
fields. Stalkers can operate the controls to enslave a person’s body and even
murder them. They use energy weapons and torture them but they can't alter the
person mentally to make them perform to serve their plan. I was born this way.
I see how twisted they are. None would hack someone's brain from space and try
to make people into puppets and destroy their personal relationships and
independence and goals if they weren't heartless. These people are testing
these weapons to program the human race. They want to create mindless
programmed slaves who will be frightened of abuse and death and perform by
commands and function without question and surrender their free will
and mind and body for their satanic power at the press of a button. They want
Godless, numb, conscienceless machines in place of humans in their world. They
want to make me heartless. They want to make me evil. They are testing these
weapons on me everyday. Perhaps society is too mentally impaired or pathetically
weak to see these weapons are really being used on people.They will easily believe any excuse the media gives for the violence, insanity
and bizarre crimes taking place today. They will so easily accept anything they
are told to follow like programmed zombies. The dolls you see in apps and
merchandise you see in films and stores is being made in your likeness. The new
version of yourself and future children after the Nazis get their way

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